Other News

Red Jet Squadron Sets New HondaJet Record

Jet It owner and Red Jet Squadron pilot Jon Halpern, from New York City, along with co-pilot and Jet It CEO, former US Air Force F-15C fighter pilot, Glenn Gonzales, made history last week by flying a Jet It HondaJet Elite from Denver, CO to Bar Harbor, ME; a distance of 1,662 NM, in 3 hours 59 minutes.

Jet It currently operates a rapidly growing fleet HondaJet Elite aircrafts spread out across the country, of which owners are allotted a number of utilization days where they only spend $1,600 an hour. As they travel with Jet It, qualified owners have the freedom to travel as pilot or passenger, for no additional cost. After they receive their HondaJet type rating, owners join the exclusive one-of-a-kind Red Jet Squadron (RJS).
