
Duncan Aviation names Susie Corn manager of company’s regional managers

Duncan Aviation promotes Susie Corn

Duncan Aviation has announced that Susie Corn has accepted the position of Manager of the company’s Regional Manager team.

Corn joined Duncan Aviation seven years ago as a Senior Sales Representative for Engine Sales & Services.

In 2020, she transitioned to the Regional Manager of the South Central United States, helping customers connect with every product and service Duncan Aviation provides.

Corn says: “From having been on the technical sales team, I’ve had the opportunity to engage with various teams in the organization throughout the sales process—Regional Managers, Sales teams, our shops, and our customers.

“I’ve seen how the Sales teams and Regional Managers support our customers and one another.”

“We all represent Duncan Aviation, fulfilling different types of support, all as one team with the same goal to provide the best possible customer experience.” She adds that she is not leaving her customers and the relationships she has built over the last seven years. Her message to them is, ‘I’m still here.’”

Duncan Aviation has eight domestic Regional Managers and five international Regional Managers, each representing their respective geographic territories.

These managers are actively involved with the companies, aircraft, and various industry partners in these regions.

They engage in these regions by serving on boards, attending conferences, meeting with industry professionals, and traveling to call on customers personally.

With their extensive knowledge of the cultural landscapes, client needs, and Duncan Aviation’s resources, the Regional Managers are uniquely qualified to provide excellent support in the field.

To further support flight departments, the Regional Managers can also arrange for the technical sales teams from Airframe, Avionics, Paint, Interior, and Engine to travel with them into the field to survey aircraft, prepare formal quotes, and build relationships during various parts of the quoting process.

Ryan Huss, Vice President of Sales and Marketing says: “Susie is perfectly suited for this position.

“Her ability to work well with team members, customers, and industry partners will greatly aid her as she helps support the team in all their initiatives.

“She is a great listener and communicator, which, coupled with her creativity and desire to help, makes her exceptionally solution-oriented.

“I have no doubts that Susie is a tremendous fit for this position.”
