C&L Aviation Group has partnered up with Universal Avionics (U/A) to present multiple webinars on the topic of U/A FMS upgrades. The webinars are in response to the announcement that U/A will be discontinuing some repair on of their legacy flight management systems and that some of these systems have reached full capacity for navigation databases.
The webinars, which are titled: Support Issues and Solutions for Your Universal Legacy FMS: Answers for Current System Obsolescence and Navigation Database Restrictions,” are scheduled to occur on July 8th and 15th.
The webinars will address issues related to, and upgrade solutions available for operators who will be affected by Universal’s announcement which outlined they would be discontinuing repair on UNS 1C, 1C+, 1Csp, 1Csp+, 1D, 1D+, 1K, and 1K+ Flight Management Systems due to parts obsolescence. Featured presenters will be Charlie Carroll, Avionics Sales Manager for C&L Aviation Group and Robert Brownell, Field Service Engineer at Universal Avionics.
“Not all operators are aware of the support for these systems being phased out,” said Charlie Carroll. “I spent many years working at Universal and am excited to partner with them on this webinar series to help provide answers those needing to make the switch to WAAS-enabled LPV systems.”
C&L Aviation Group is hosting the free webinars July 8th and 15th. Additional details and registration information can be found at https://www.cla.aero/FMSwebinar.